WBJ Gift Guide: Valentine's Day 2025 TrendsShow

WBJ Gift Guide: Valentine's Day 2025 Trends

Although you should show your dearest ones you love them all throughout the year, Valentine’s Day is one of the easiest holidays to express romantic, platonic, and self-love in tangible form. With that in mind, we handpicked some exquisite watc..

A 9-11 RemembranceA 9-11 remembrance

A 9-11 Remembrance

An Unthinkable Act of Terror In the chronicles of time, the mid-October air would typically have been imbued with anticipation at William Barthman Jeweler, a venerable establishment preparing for the impending holiday season. Yet, fate had conspired..

A Barthman History.A Barthman History

A Barthman History.

The Past and the Future Barthman, born in Germany in 1840, opened up his first jewelry store at 43 Maiden Lane after marrying the daughter of jeweler William Stratt and began working for his father-in-law thus entering the jewelry business. I In 18..

The Clock in the SidewalkThe Clock in the Sidewalk

The Clock In The Sidewalk

Time and Again A century ago the glittering heart of the city’s diamond, jewelry and watchmaker district beat right here. “Within these stores,” wrote the Daily Graphic in 1876,” are diamonds as bright as the eyes of the anci..

Introduction : A Part of HistoryBe a part of NYC's downtown history and find this hidden gem.

Introduction : A Part Of History

Hidden Gems In the heart of the bustling metropolis that is Manhattan, there exists a place where the echoes of history and the gleam of modernity converge in a harmonious dance. Downtown Manhattan, a tapestry woven with the threads of time, beckons..